This delicious and comforting Southern chicken and dumplings recipe will have you coming back for more. It's simple to make and can be thrown together...
Originally prepared as a special dinner-for-two, boneless, skinless chicken breasts are prepared with a white wine combination and then slow baked to melt...
I wanted to make a quick and light recipe using quinoa, and I had some asparagus and red peppers in the fridge -- who knew that the combination could taste...
An infinitely riffable Instant Pot® chicken recipe that is great served with rice and beans or changed into the foundation of a soup or a filling for...
A tangy, spicy and crunchy appetizer made with chicken and pretzels. Delicious! Note: DO NOT use any of the 'sauce' used for dredging the raw chicken as...
This is my rendition of Nashville hot chicken, served as a sandwich with biscuits. To save time, I've used refrigerator biscuits. I'm not a fan of spicy...
This recipe is a delicious fruity twist on traditional pan-fried chicken! I've made this for several friends and family members, and it has gotten rave...
Want an impressive dinner for guests? Then this is your go-to recipe. These saucy chicken breasts stuffed with asparagus and provolone will have them asking...
My husband and 4-year-old son love this recipe. We have it for dinner at least twice a month. This dish is great over orzo pasta with steamed broccoli...
Keto-friendly take on chicken enchiladas without the tortillas. This casserole is easily customized by adding any ingredients you have on hand. Hubby loved...
This recipe is a family favorite, particularly with my husband. It is easy to assemble and creates a fabulous aroma as it bakes. Serve with wild rice if...
The popular potato chip flavor translates fantastically to boneless "wings." OK, admittedly, they're basically chicken fingers, but for game day, we're...
Recently served to 75 women at a District United Methodist Women's, Spring Day Apart. Raves! Easy for a large group. Served with green beans, broiled peach...
Devilishly good and (almost) paleo-approved! Use the leftover drippings to fry some side-dish veggies, or just drizzle on top of the completed chicken....
Easy, delicious, and cheesy chicken breasts--with plenty of Asiago flavor! Add a touch of black pepper, balsamic vinegar, and additional Asiago cheese...
This is just something I threw together when I had a bunch of butternut squash that I needed to use. It turned out really tasty, so I decided to write...
I first had this recipe when my husband and I were dating. I am not sure where his mom came up with it, but my family loves and it is an often requested...
I first had this recipe when my husband and I were dating. I am not sure where his mom came up with it, but my family loves and it is an often requested...
This is just something I threw together when I had a bunch of butternut squash that I needed to use. It turned out really tasty, so I decided to write...
Chicken breasts bathed in a delicate mustard tarragon sauce. A quick and simple recipe that you can serve on a weeknight but tastes like a French chef...
A very easy complete dinner ready in a little over an hour. Plate up rice and then chicken on top using warmed plates. I serve this dish with fresh green...
Originally prepared as a special dinner-for-two, boneless, skinless chicken breasts are prepared with a white wine combination and then slow baked to melt...
When you're shopping, try to find the smaller, more attractive 10- to 12-ounce bone-in, skin-on chicken breasts. The 1-pound ones work fine, too: Just...
Breaded chicken breasts baked with a sweet, sticky sauce with a bite. Very easy to prepare. This is a family favorite, and if you want to impress someone,...